
This list is my attempt to catalogue the books I read and I’ll try to update it monthly. I hope it might also provide some inspiration to those looking to find something new.



American Caesars - Nigel Hamilton

Berlin - Anthony Beever

Capitalism in America - Alan Greenspan & Adrian Wooldridge

City of Quartz - Mike Davis

Dominion - Tom Holland

Empireland - Sathnam Sanghera

Globalists - Quinn Slobodian

A Line in the Sand - James Barr

Putin’s People - Catherine Belton

Revolutionary Russia - Orlando Figes

Rollercoaster - Ian Kershaw

The Road to Unfreedom - Timothy Synder

The Rise & Fall of the British Nation - David Edgerton

Say Nothing - Patrick Radden Keefe

A Short History of Neoliberalism - David Harvey


The Upswing - Robert Putnam

Our Kids - Robert Putnam

When China Rules the World - Martin Jacques

The Tyranny of Merit - Michael Sandel

The Origins of Political Order - Francis Fukuyama

The Twilight of Democracy - Anne Applebaum

Seeing like a State - Jame C Scott

Where we are - Roger Scruton

Left Out - Gabriel Pogrund & Patrick Maguire

A Short History of Brexit - Kevin O’Rourke


AntiFragile - Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Animal Liberation - Peter Singer

The Expanding Circle - Peter Singer

Green Philosophy - Roger Scruton

Fools, Frauds & Firebrands - Roger Scruton

Object Oriented Ontology - Grahram Harman

Art & Objects - Graham Harman

The Moral Landscape - Sam Harris

Hyperobjects - Timothy Morton

Being Ecological - Timothy Morton

Humankind - Timothy Morton

Better Never to Have Been - David Benatar

Cynical Theories - Helen Pluckrose & James Lindsay

Culture & Death of God - Terry Eagleton

Straw Dogs - John Gray

Down to Earth - Bruno Latour

Vibrant Matter - Jane Bennett

Marxist Thought & the City - Henri Lefebvre

Hermeneutics - John D Caputo

Wittgenstein’s Poker - David Edmonds & John Eidinow

The Medium is the Message - Robert McLuhan


Doughnut Economics - Kate Raworth

Crashed - Adam Tooze

The Deluge - Adam Tooze

Austerity - Mark Blyth

Talking to my Daughter about Capitalism - Yanis Varoufakis

Rentier Capitalism - Brett Christophers

The New Enclosure - Brett Christophers

Nature Writing, Ecology & Landscape

Space & Place - Yi Fu Tuan

Lines - Tim Ingold

Hollow Land - Eyal Weizman

Landmarks - Robert Macfarlane

The Living Mountain - Nan Shepard

The Perception of the Environment - Tim Ingold

Novacene - James Lovelock

Architecture & Urbanism

Capital City - Samuel Stein

The Death & Life of Great American Cities - Jane Jacobs

Learning from Las Vegas - Venturi Scott Brown

Municipal Dreams - John Boughton

Building & Dwelling - Richard Sennett

Ornament & Crime - Adolf Loos

The Possibility of an Absolute Architecture - Pier Vittorio Aureli

The Project of Autonomy - Pier Vittorio Aureli

Less is Enough - Pier Vittorio Aureli


The Master and his Emissary - Iain McGilchrist

The Weirdest People in the World - Joe Henrich

The Bonobo & the Atheist - Frans de Waal